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JiniSoft Product
Natural Billing
ERP / E-Resource
Enterprise Resource Planning
- Financial
- Front Office
- Manufacturing
- Human Resource
- Accounting Format
- Relation Diagram
- Transaction Diagram
- Customer Relation Management
EBP / E-Business
Enterprise Business Planning
ECP / E-Commerce
Enterprise Commerce Planning
EIP / E-Intellignece
Enterprise Intelligence Planning
High-Speed Cluster OODB

Since 1 Jan'2002, Natural Software will be change to JiniSoft because we will move to Cluster Web & Wireless Application for E-Commerce. This is developed by Java 2 Platform and Jini Technology that work on Soralis, Unix, Linux, Mac, PlayStation 2, WebTV, Microsoft Windows and PDA such as Palm, Nokia 7650, 9210.

Element of JiniSoft

  • Intelligent Engine that have a function for technical. Intelligent Engine is correcting a problem and a method for solving a problem. And then a system to see the same problem that verify, warning and approve for solving the problem by Artificial Intelligence. Natural Technology is develop an Artificial Intelligence since 1994 and immediately solve a problem.

    We are develop Software Engine have a function instead of programmer since 1997 that easy for develop the Java Source Code. The special technical only design a data Structure and Transaction such as in UML Format, Software is automatic create Physical Algorithm and convert to Java Source Code and always to modify a source code that called a Feedback Control.

  • High-Speed Cluster OOMB ( Object-Orient DataBase / MediaBase ) have a relation with Computer Architecture by Physical Algorithm that have a high speed more than a General DataBase about 1,000 times. Natural Technology is develop a High-Speed Cluster OOMB since 1993.

    Field Type in Table as :

    • Standard is a type of Field

      • Primitive for query are boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float and double .

      • Comparable implemented form java.lang.Comparable for query such as Date, String, Telephone, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Currency ( Multi-Currency ), Text ( Multi-Language ), Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), ...

      • Serializable implemented form java.io.Serializable for store and transfer such as java.applet.*, java.awt.*, javax.swing.*, java.util ( ArrayList, HashMap, Hashtable, LinkedList, TreeMap, TreeSet and Vector ), ...

      • Everything implemented form java.lang.Object to processing

    • Sequence is group of field ( same table ), designed by user to manage same field in many table,
      implemented form java.lang.Comparable by only compare the primary field.

    • Reference is a type for reference to record of own table that call internal relation ( display in tree format ). So Reference can refer to record of other table that call external relation ( display in explorer format ) and not only that is display in Spread Sheet format, together with a reference field is the primary object of record ( in table ) and extend from Sequence.

    • Media is a type for java media framework such as AIFF, AU, AVI, FILE, GSM, IMAGE, MIDI, MPEG, QuickTime, WAVE

    • Between is a type for setting a range of data in Standard ( Primitive & Comparable ), Sequence and Reference.

    • Array is a type for define array of Field in Standard, Sequence, Reference, Media, and Between.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning for E-Commerce Natural Technology was develop an Enterprise Resource Planning for E-Commerce to be finish since 1997 ( Hospital System, Hotel System and Account System). But we didn't to implement because we want to adapt for Asian Business for Co-operating Distributed Commerce to Customer that Cooperate within a business.

    Because we think if we do a business alone that make to destroy a business and have a monopoly business. This reason to lead to a world critical economy. And we want to develop a business to Cluster Web & Wireless Application for E-Commerce and no need to upgrade in the future.

The Objective of  Natural and JiniSoft

          We want to research and develop Because of we don't have enough a capital but we wanted to research and develop for new technology. We must to do a business for research and develop a new technology for Asian. And to fight a foreigner for reduce a technology monopoly and have a step as:

  • Step 1. Free of JiniSoft and 4GL Open Source Code when sell a Telephone Billing or Telecommunication Billing and reduce a service charge from Remote Maintenance System

  • Step 2. Free of JiniSoft, 4GL Open Source Code, consult for application and Optimum or Customize for user Requirement.

    We will be use a Jini Technology for develop an Enterprise Network ( Cluster Technology for E-Commerce ), Device Network such as for control a machine and electronic equipment for work with ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ), together we are open some Java Source Code

  • Step 3 . When we finished with project of Enterpise Intelligence about 2008, we are open all Java Source Code under a GPL (GNU Public License) Condition look like a Linux.

Research Performance
  • Develop in 1990, PABX System is enlarge to 2,000 extension and first finish development in Thailand.

    Fist job to capital for research ( VLSI and RISC Micropocessor ).

  • Design in 1991, VLSI DSP Chip at 1 MHz ( 16 bit, Multiply 1 million instruction per second ) white 3 micron technology (  Project, a moment was a student university in VLSI Research Project )

    Between 1986 - 1989, Australia government give capital and transfer a VLSI Technology to four university of Thailand.

    In 1990, the headmaster of VLSI Research Project go to university of Australia. VLSI Research Project move in DSP Research Project.

  • Develop in 1993, Multi-thread on Microsoft Windows 3.1 with time-sharing for Telephone Billing System. ( Project, a moment was a employee of  telephone company to solution problem of consumer, but that don't associated to business or money )

    In 1993, Telephone Billing System have 100,000 - 1,000,000 call record per month and run on 386SX Computer ( 16 MHz RAM 4 MB ). That is cause to develop high-speed database. Microsoft Windows don't have enough large data and problem of Telephone system, that is cause to develop  Expert System for all problem.

Last update : Sunday, July 25, 2004 10:10 ( Thailand )

Apple, Mac, iMac, iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple, Inc.

Jini, Java and all Java-based are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

JiniSoft Corporation

Copyright @ 1990 - 2012   Mr. Roongroj Rojanapo ( )

89/1 Khao Lam Road, Saen Suk, Chon buri District, Chon buri 20130, Thailand

E-mail : roongroj @ jinisoft.com ( JiniSoft @ Facebook & Line )