Financial Management System

Financial Management System provides complete support for all commerce need:

  1. General Ledger System
  2. Purchase System
  3. Sales System
  4. Account Receivable System 
  5. Account Payable System
  6. Inventory System 
  7. Cash Management System
  8. Budgeting System
  9. Fixed Asset System  
  10. Cost Accounting
  11. Executive Decision System

General Ledger System

               The GL Transactions support to transaction and report for commerce. The General Ledger System defines basic information like your company structure and the chart of accounts. GL Transactions that originate in other modules are automatically generated based on a flexible mapping and area to determine the proper place to post transaction. General Ledger System Support both periodic and perputual method and also calculate depreciation of asset and inventory.

               General Ledger System provides complete support :

Purchase System / Sale System

               The Purchase System and Sale System that centralizes billable data from all applications and provides automated multicompany and multisite centralized billing. Our system is automatic check inventory stock and unit price with price list. If you set a price lower than a price list, application not allows you to access this price. You must entry the password of higher priority for approve this price. The approval level has many level and application use dual password system. The system is automatic check the credit amounts of a business partner when you entry in order or invoice. If the customer’s credit is below the credit limit, application is not allows the order or invoice. Purchase and sale system allows the designation of employees charged with monitoring the credit amounts of a business partner. And also when you inquiry or order the inventory, the system can estimated ship date for delivery. Application allows you to set your commission policy, commission information is still defined at the item and salesperson level. However, the actual commission calculation is done through the account receivable system, payroll system and general ledger system. The system is auto fill of receiving or shipping quantity from remains quantity on a purchase order or sale order. You can setup a set of inventory for promotion and set discount at the line-item level. Application is use EDI system, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the process of how data is transferred electronically between business. The documents that may be sent electronically such as quotation, purchase order and invoice.

               Purchase System provides complete support :

               Sale System provides complete support :

Account Receivable System

               The Account Receivable System handles and monitors sales invoice and credit notes. The module contains full aging analysis functionality, the ability to generate Dunning Letters urging customers to pay their open invoices; and Customer Statements of Account, which inform customers of their open invoice. A wide range off reporting functionality is available for display or listing of account receivable data. When a document is placed on hold, you need to specify a user-defined reason. A report is available that enables you to see why document on hold and also you can see the document status. The account code will default from the inventory item or each detail. The account receivable transaction is automatic posted to account receivable and general ledger from invoice, receiving, etc. The transactions specify different methods of payment for each business partner, as well as monitor debts, record invoicing, receive transaction.

               Account Receivable provides complete support :

Account Payable System

               The Account Payable System provides sophisticated capabilities that help reduce the time and effort spent handling accounts payable. The Account Payable System streamlines the entire process by providing both automatic and manual matching capabilities within specified tolerances. You can also specify different method of payment for each business partner, as well as monitor creditors and record invoicing and payment transactions. When a document is placed on hold, you need to specify a user-defined reason. A report is available that enables you to see why document on hold and also you can see the document status. The account code will default from the inventory item or each detail. The account payable transaction is automatic posted to account payable and general ledger from invoice, purchase, payment etc. The transactions specify different methods of payment for each business partner, as well as monitor creditors, record invoicing, and payment transaction.

               Account Payable provides complete support :

Inventory System

               The meaning of inventory in our system is everything such as material, spare part, asset and product. The system is set a inventory into a tree. In a tree every inventory have a relation of a tree. The inventory tree have a properties of a descent. The inventory system can alert when a stock level is reduced to reorder level. The system used a barcode system for inventory and can configure a lot or bin item in warehouse. User can choose Average, FIFO, LIFO, Moving Average or lot costing and costing method can be assigned by item and automatic calculate Costing and Depreciation for maintains inventory by item. You can transfer inventory from department to department (warehouse or warehouse). The system allows the customers deposit the product in our warehouse when the customers is buy the product. And automatic calculate the service charge of deposit. When you receive an asset, the system is automatic generate transaction for register asset. Also when you receive a material, spare part and stationary, the system is automatic generate invoice transaction.

               Inventory System provides complete support :

Cash Management System

               The cash management system helps your company manage its cash positions by providing each forecasting reports that consider open orders and invoices from both purchasing and sales. Within cash management system payment statistics are calculated or business partners and all receipts payments are processed. The system also provides cash-flow forecasts to analyze liquidity position and transaction visibility at the sub-ledger level. The cash management system supports flexible payment methods that include check, wire transfer and direct debit transactions. Invoices are paid through an automated selection process to determine which invoices are to be included in a payment batch and one-time-only payments can be made without an invoice. For invoices with special terms of payment, individual payment schedules can be defined; these invoices can be processed automatically at the same time as standard invoices. Bank statements can be received electronically and the actual payments can be reconciled automatically or manually with the anticipated payments.

Budgeting System

               An important component of financial analysis is the comparison of your company’s actual results with budgeted amounts. Multiple budgets are often required to simulate possible conditions, and these are frequently updated to reflect changing circumstances. Finance provides a Budgeting System that allows budgets to be created based on cost assignments, other budgets, or actual results. The Budgeting System maintains budgets and target amounts and provides comparisons between actual amounts and budgets. Amounts and quantities entered in Budgeting System are included in displays, reports and financial statements with related variance information.

Fixed Asset System

               The fixed asset system is automatic calculate depreciation for maintains inventory by item. The system is automatic register to fixed asset system when you create purchase transaction. The fixed asset system is automatic or prepare data for user to generate bill when you disposal the asset. The system is automatic to posted to GL System when you register, disposal and transfer the asset.

Cost Accounting System

               The Cost Accounting system provides both detail and summary cost assignment and control. Financial Management System uses a parent/child relationship for financial data, which provides the ability to ‘drill down’ to the necessary level of detail. On each level, the actual, budgeted and allowed costs are reported. Amounts that have been recorded for a particular cost center, project, or other costing dimension can be re-allocated automatically by cost accounting system; for example, for costs like facilities or information services that must be spread over the departments that are supported. Cost-assignment amounts are calculated based on amounts or quantities, for example, the number of order lines, invoices, business partners, or items manufactured. The cost accounting module can also generate automatic intercompany journal entries for companies in the same or different groups.

Executive Decision System

               The Executive decision system prepared for user can generate your report.